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GMS Transport Sector Strategy Study

Traffic and Transport PlanningTrade / Cross-Border Transport
Southeast and South AsiaEast Asia and the Pacific
Client Asian Development Bank
Country・Area Cambodia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Lao, Myanmar, China
The TA identified priority investment projects and policy initiatives to develop a comprehensive multimodal GMS transport network by 2015. It focused on: (i) a subregional transport demand forecast by mode and route; (ii) a review of transport supply efficiency, safety, and adequacy, identifying institutional, legal, regulatory, and operational improvements, and (iii) an identification of transport infrastructure bottlenecks, for inclusion in a prioritized medium-term investment plan to 2015. Upgrading the transport network will improve GMS competitiveness and realize GMS objectives by efficiently linking the countries. A clear vision and a comprehensive strategy were developed through precise analysis of the current situation and prospective developments and careful consideration with the six countries of any further initiatives required to deepen economic cooperation.