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Project for Strengthening the Capacity of In-Service Teacher Training Management

Client Japan International Cooperation Agency
Country・Area Ghana
The Government of Ghana (GOG) attained a gross enrollment rate of 95% in primary education in the 2007/2008 academic year but still faces education quality challenges due to poor teaching skills among public school primary teachers. In order to address these challenges, the In-Service Teacher Training (INSET) model utilizing School and Cluster based training was developed through two pilot projects implemented by JICA in the fields of science and mathematics. The GOG started introducing the INSET model in all districts but faced various challenges including maintenance of the quality of training, capacity development of central and district officers, and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems. In response, JICA launched a project in response to a request from the GOG to support Ghana in establishing and reinforcing the management system for structured and high quality INSET. PADECO is responsible for all the activities related to the introduction and operation of INSET activities throughout Ghana to create a continuous teacher professional development system.